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how to Install TWRP?

  • First, download the appropriate TWRP file for your device from the drop-down menu below and copy it to your ADB folder.
  • Turn off your phone. Start your phone in fastboot mode by pressing Volume Down and Power together. (Must have mechanic droid picture on phone screen)
  • holding down the “shift” key in the ADB folder, right-click with the mouse and select the open command window here option
  • Install TWRP on your device with the codes written below.

fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
fastboot boot twrp.img
Wipe Operations with TWRP 3 – Cleaning, Factory Settings and Formatting

Wipe Options

Wipe options with TWRP and what they do are as follows:

  • Format Data (Format Data): Formats the entire section where the data is kept. Deletes applications and data, images, videos, media files and everything saved.
  • Data Clearing (Wipe Data): Deletes apps and their data but leaves content like pictures, videos, etc in internal memory.
  • Cache Cleanup (Wipe Cache):  OTA files delete temporary recovery data and logs.
  • Dalvik /Art Cache Removal (Wipe
  • Art/Dalvic Cache): Deletes optimization files for Dalvik or Android Runtime.
  • System Cleanup (Wipe System): Deletes the system partition where the firmware and ROM are kept.
  • Internal Storage Cleaning (Wipe Internal Data Storage): The device covers images, videos, music, etc in its internal memory.
  • External Storage/Sd Card Cleaning (Wipe
  • External Storage/SD Card): SD Card formats
  • USB-OTG Cleanup (Wipe USB-OTG):  Plugged USB memory formats.

If the TWRP opens in Chinese at the first opening, you can change the language by following the images below.

Backup Receiving with TWRP/Copying to Computer/Restore

Backup Receiving with TWRP

First, open the TWRP and come to the Backup section.

You will encounter a screen similar to the image below.

Name: The backup name. Then name your backup to find it faster when restoring. You can click here and enter a new name and press Go. It is not recommended to use Turkish and special characters.

Storage Choose: With this option, you can get backup on internal memory, memory card or USB if appropriate. Take care not to clean the part you have backed up.

Refresh Dimensions: Replenishes free space and disk partitions information.


You can choose to compress backups using the tabs on this screen, or you can put a password on your backup. Compressed backups take up less space, but the time to create and restore compressed backups is slightly longer.


Sections to be Backed up and Descriptions:

All of these sections may not be available on every device.

Boot: Kerneli hosts. On some devices, recovery is also embedded in this section.
Recovery (Recovery): The board houses the TWRP version.
EFS: Includes important data such as IMEI and serial number. Back up this section as soon as possible against accidental deletion.
Data (Data): Includes installed applications and data, settings.
System (System): Includes installed ROM, that is, device software. You need to back up the boot section with this section before trying a different ROM or rooting:
Radio or modem: The device's network communication includes software that provides wireless technologies such as bluetooth or WiFi.
Cache (Cache): Includes OTA data, recovery logs, and application cache. Less important than others.

Copying a Backup Received with TWRP to Computer

It is recommended that you protect the backup you receive with TWRP by taking it to your computer as soon as possible. For this, copy the TWRP folder from the location (internal memory or memory card) you have the backup from to your computer. When you want to return, you can copy this folder back to the location where you got a backup.

How to Restore a Retrieved Backup with TWRP

Select Restore option from TWRP to restore your backup.

You can choose where you get a backup from the Select Storage section. (Built-in memory, SD card) Then select your backup.

After selecting it, you can start the restore process by swiping the slider.

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