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OnePlus 7 Pro GM1913 QCN and XQCN File Download


OnePlus 7 Pro GM1913 QCN and XQCN File Download Free

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to back up and restore the QCN files for your  OnePlus 7 Pro GM1913. In order to solve any SIM card related problem associated with an Android phone, such as not recognizing the SIM card, not knowing the baseband version, not knowing its IMEI number, etc., you will need to follow these steps.

We always want to install Root, Mods, Custom ROMs, and modify Stock ROMs in the age of smartphones. By doing so, we might accidentally change some settings, such as the IMEI number or baseband version. You need to know where the file is located so that you can backup and restore the QCN and edit other people’s QCNs if they lose their IMEIs. Here is a guide to help you understand.

What Is the OnePlus 7 Pro GM1913 QCN and XQCN File

QCN (Qualcomm Calibration Network) and XQCN (Extended Qualcomm Calibration Network) files are essential components of Qualcomm-based devices like the OnePlus 7 Pro GM1913. These files contain crucial device-specific information such as IMEI numbers, MAC addresses, and network settings. In case of any software or network-related issues, having the correct QCN or XQCN file is crucial for troubleshooting and resolving these problems effectively.

Steps to Repair and Fix IMEI number on OnePlus 7 Pro

This guide will show you how to repair and restore your OnePlus 7 Pro IMEI number by using the QCN Rebuilder Tool. There is no cost for this tool and it is easy to use even if you are new to this process. Here are the links you need to download before we get to the guide.

Download Files:

In this section, we will provide a step-by-step guide on using the Qfil tool to recover your OnePlus 7 Pro GM1913 QCN file. From downloading the necessary files to executing the recovery process, we will walk you through each stage, ensuring a seamless experience.

Download OnePlus 7 Pro GM1913 QCN and XQCN File

Download Qualcomm QCN Rebuilder Tool

How to Use OnePlus 7 Pro GM1913 QCN and XQCN File

  • Get the OnePlus 7 Pro QCN file and extract it to your computer.
  • Run the QPST Flash Tool after that
  • Turn off your Qualcomm Android phone by pressing the power button
  • Make sure it is in EDL mode

  • Connect your phone to your computer
  • Go back to the QPST Qfil Flash Tool after that
  • Go to Tools =>> QCN Backup & Restore
  • To ensure safety, backup the QCN file
  • Then, click Browse and select the QCN file that has been downloaded
  • Click on Restore now

  • In the next few minutes, the procedure will begin
  • Please wait for the finish
  • You can now disconnect and power on the phone once you have received the success message
  • That’s all there is to it.

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